Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano

In â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano,† it discussed the life and hardship of Equiano throughout his life. Equiano was from a small province of Africa called Eboe where they were well mannered and traditional. He grew up in a wealthy and established family with his mother, father, and siblings. During the course of Equiano’s life he had some good and challenging time, but through it all he endured it to the end. Throughout his life Equiano experienced what he feels like to be free and to be a slave. In the memoir forced, cruel, and child labor was depicted. Slaves in Africa were treated exceptionally well were as slaves in America were treated if they were not human. .Equiano was treated as if he was a part of the family he was sold to until he was sold to a family that treated their slaves poorly. Religion and Equiano determination helped him gain freedom. Also his experience was astonishingly unique. In the memoir several forms of slavery w as depicted. Forced labor was one of the common form of slavery. People in Africa was taken and kidnapped by the European people. Africans were forced to work for free to whomever they were sold to. Also, cruel labor was common throughout the memoir. Although some slave owners were treating their slaves as humans many were not. Some slave owners would make their slaves work gruesome hours without giving them the proper amount of time to recuperate. When slaves would be tired or if they did not produce the qualityShow MoreRelatedThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano2195 Words   |  9 PagesLeslie Pena Dr. Short English 2333 Nov. 24, 2014 Olaudah Equiano I chose to do â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano† by Equiano himself, an autobiography written in the seventeenth century. I like how it’s an autobiography and which he writes the important parts of his life. It’s interesting to see how a free African American became a slave at a very young age and to experience everything he had gone through to buy his freedom back. Within every experience he had, there areRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe novel The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano exists as an extremely important work in the abolitionist movement in England. As an 18th century narrative written by a former black slave the novel provides a glimpse into the lives of the African slaves involved in the slave trade as well as the slave traders themselves. Even with the controversy over the authenticity of Equiano’s claims on his origin in Africa and his subsequent voyage through the Middle Passage, this novel servesRead MoreEquiano : The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano987 Words   |  4 Pagesunimaginable in our society. Olaudah Equiano was former enslaved African who wrote an autobiography The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, which he fully goes into great detail about his encounter with slavery. Equiano was born in 1745 in the province of Igbo which is town in the country of Nigeria. Equiano describes his father who was an Embrenche, which is a chief or a respect leader in the community who helped decide conflicts and punished crimes. For instance Equiano recalls that adulteryRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano1501 Words   |  7 PagesOlaudah Equiano lived anything less than an ordinary life and we see this through his narrative, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†. He first captures the reader with the entrancing ta le of his childhood. A tale that was soon brought to end when he was kidnapped from his loving family and sold as a slave. Throughout the narrative, Equiano is searching for a family, like the one he lost. This is shown in â€Å"Filiation to Affiliation: Kinship and Sentiment in Equiano’s InterestingRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano806 Words   |  4 PagesOlaudah Equiano, born in 1745, was a prominent member of the british movement for ending the slave trade and wrote an autobiography entitled, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†. Equiano s main purpose within writing this excerpt from chapter two of his autobiography was to convince his audience to support the anti-Slave Trade movement, this is evident in his tone switching by the paragraph, his switch of style from a narrative to rhetorical questioning, and his liberal useRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano1331 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscontentment. Everyone dreams of changing aspects of their life, its human nature to think â€Å"If I was just more attractive†, â€Å"If my child just wasn’t handicapped†, or in the case of Equiano â€Å" If I could just be free† then I would be happy. What stands out in the book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, is that Equiano does appreciates the changes, learns all that can, embraces a new culture, and is happy and fulfilled. Equiano argues the evils of slavery, and desperately wishes slaveryRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano and Amistad604 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano† and â€Å"Amistad† are important stories about slavery in pre-civil war america because they both address the issues of slavery. These gentlemen in the story made a difference in the slave trade. In â€Å"The life of Olaudah Equia no†, Olaudah was sold on a slave ship that came to the Barbados. Olaudah worked for his freedom, and in the end became efficient in American language. He worked his way to the free life and in the end it workedRead MoreSummary Of The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano 2910 Words   |  12 PagesChristian surveyor! Anti-slavery writer! If you are looking for this in a short story consider â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano.† The title of this story along, gave me knowledge that this story is not like other stories because Olaudah Equiano is the author of the story and the word â€Å"interesting† stays with his narrative all of these years so there got to be something â€Å"interesting† about this work. Also examiming the title of this work, the reader can notice that prejudicesRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative1816 Words   |  8 PagesThe I nteresting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative The narrative of Olaudah Equiano is truly a magnificent one. Not only does the reader get to see the world through Equianos own personal experiences, we get to read a major autobiography that combined the form of a slave narrative with that of a spiritual conversion autobiography. Religion may be viewed as at the heart of the matter in Equianos long, remarkable journey. Through Equianos own experiencesRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano, By James Sweet And Katrina Thompson901 Words   |  4 Pagesthe book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano, in which the author recounts his experience as a slave going through the Middle Passage. Other works such as Ring Shout, Wheel About The Racial Politics of Music and Dance in North American Slavery, by Katrina Thompson, and Domingos à lvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World, by James Sweet, can help us garner a deeper insight as to the experiences of Olaudah Equiano by analyzing The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano In Hotel California, the Eagles sing â€Å"We are all just prisoners here, of our own device†, meaning most human beings feel somehow trapped by their circumstances, situations, or habits . Change is hard and often doesn’t provide the happiness that the person seeking the change thought that it would provide, leading to frustration and discontentment. Everyone dreams of changing aspects of their life, its human nature to think â€Å"If I was just more attractive†, â€Å"If my child just wasn’t handicapped†, or in the case of Equiano â€Å" If I could just be free† then I would be happy. What stands out in the book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, is that Equiano does appreciates the changes, learns all that can, embraces a new culture, and is happy and fulfilled. Equiano argues the evils of slavery, and desperately wishes slavery didn’t exist, but he is not concerned with righting the wrongs of the past and obtaining restitution for his time as a slave. This is in direct contrast with the civil rights leaders of today who seem very focused on reminding the population that African Americans were and continue to be mistreated. They need the mistreatment to continue, in a way, because that is how they have built their careers’. Equiano does not seek retribution and dwell on the negative past. He moves on. Throughout the book, Equiano’s situation changes, but more importantly he changes on the inside, and this allows him to continue to learn new skills, adjust toShow MoreRelatedThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano2195 Words   |  9 PagesLeslie Pena Dr. Short English 2333 Nov. 24, 2014 Olaudah Equiano I chose to do â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano† by Equiano himself, an autobiography written in the seventeenth century. I like how it’s an autobiography and which he writes the important parts of his life. It’s interesting to see how a free African American became a slave at a very young age and to experience everything he had gone through to buy his freedom back. Within every experience he had, there areRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe novel The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano exists as an extremely important work in the abolitionist movement in England. As an 18th century narrative written by a former black slave the novel provides a glimpse into the lives of the African slaves involved in the slave trade as well as the slave traders themselves. Even with the controversy over the authenticity of Equiano’s claims on his origin in Africa and his subsequent voyage through the Middle Passage, this novel servesRead MoreEquiano : The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano987 Words   |  4 Pagesunimaginable in our society. Olaudah Equiano was former enslaved African who wrote an autobiography The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, which he fully goes into great detail about his encounter with slavery. Equiano was born in 1745 in the province of Igbo which is town in the country of Nigeria. Equiano describes his father who was an Embrenche, which is a chief or a respect leader in the community who helped decide conflicts and punished crimes. For instance Equiano recalls that adulteryRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano1501 Words   |  7 PagesOlaudah Equiano lived anything less than an ordinary life and we see this through his narrative, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†. He first captures the reader with the entrancing ta le of his childhood. A tale that was soon brought to end when he was kidnapped from his loving family and sold as a slave. Throughout the narrative, Equiano is searching for a family, like the one he lost. This is shown in â€Å"Filiation to Affiliation: Kinship and Sentiment in Equiano’s InterestingRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano877 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano,† it discussed the life and hardship of Equiano throughout his life. Equiano was from a small province of Africa called Eboe where they were well mannered and traditional. He grew up in a wealthy and established family with his mother, father, and siblings. During the course of Equiano’s life he had some good and challenging time, but through it all he endured it to the end. Throughout his life Equiano experienced what he feels like toRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano806 Words   |  4 PagesOlaudah Equiano, born in 1745, was a prominent member of the british movement for ending the slave trade and wrote an autobiography entitled, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†. Equiano s main purpose within writing this excerpt from chapter two of his autobiography was to convince his audience to support the anti-Slave Trade movement, this is evident in his tone switching by the paragraph, his switch of style from a narrative to rhetorical questioning, and his liberal useRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano and Amistad604 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano† and â€Å"Amistad† are important stories about slavery in pre-civil war america because they both address the issues of slavery. These gentlemen in the story made a difference in the slave trade. In â€Å"The life of Olaudah Equiano†, Olaudah was sold on a slave shi p that came to the Barbados. Olaudah worked for his freedom, and in the end became efficient in American language. He worked his way to the free life and in the end it workedRead MoreSummary Of The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano 2910 Words   |  12 PagesChristian surveyor! Anti-slavery writer! If you are looking for this in a short story consider â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano.† The title of this story along, gave me knowledge that this story is not like other stories because Olaudah Equiano is the author of the story and the word â€Å"interesting† stays with his narrative all of these years so there got to be something â€Å"interesting† about this work. Also examiming the title of this work, the reader can notice that prejudicesRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative1816 Words   |  8 PagesThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda h Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative The narrative of Olaudah Equiano is truly a magnificent one. Not only does the reader get to see the world through Equianos own personal experiences, we get to read a major autobiography that combined the form of a slave narrative with that of a spiritual conversion autobiography. Religion may be viewed as at the heart of the matter in Equianos long, remarkable journey. Through Equianos own experiencesRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano, By James Sweet And Katrina Thompson901 Words   |  4 Pagesthe book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano, in which the author recounts his experience as a slave going through the Middle Passage. Other works such as Ring Shout, Wheel About The Racial Politics of Music and Dance in North American Slavery, by Katrina Thompson, and Domingos à lvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World, by James Sweet, can help us garner a deeper insight as to the experiences of Olaudah Equiano by analyzing The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano Leslie Pena Dr. Short English 2333 Nov. 24, 2014 Olaudah Equiano I chose to do â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano† by Equiano himself, an autobiography written in the seventeenth century. I like how it’s an autobiography and which he writes the important parts of his life. It’s interesting to see how a free African American became a slave at a very young age and to experience everything he had gone through to buy his freedom back. Within every experience he had, there are many different topics in between his work: Christianity, dignity of Africans, freedom and liberation, and sailing. Perhaps some people read it as an overall autobiography, but there is always a deeper meaning in between the lines. I will dissect the themes that’s in â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano† to explain and stretch out the deeper meaning in each topic. Having a better understanding in his work with other New Critical Responses perspectives. In the chapter â€Å"The Slave Ship and Its Cargo,† Equiano explains his first day in the slave ship after being captured by the African slavers at age ten. Separated from his sister he is now scared and alone in the slave ship, innocent and ignorant to his surroundings he is scared that the white scary men are going to eat him, after seeing the boiling furnace. I believe that he automatically figures he’s going to be eaten by the white man because on how the way things are set up. Having to be his first time in aShow MoreRelatedThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe novel The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano exists as an extremely important work in the abolitionist movement in England. As an 18th century narrative written by a former black slave the novel provides a glimpse into the lives of the African slaves involved in the slave trade as well as the slave traders themselves. Even with the controversy over the authenticity of Equiano’s claims on his origin in Africa and his subsequent voyage through the Middle Passage, this novel servesRead MoreEquiano : The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano987 Words   |  4 Pagesunimaginable in our society. Olaudah Equiano was former enslaved African who wrote an autobiography The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, which he fully goes into great detail about his encounter with slavery. Equiano was born in 1745 in the province of Igbo which is town in the country of Nigeria. Equiano describes his father who was an Embrenche, which is a chief or a respect leader in the community who helped decide conflicts and punished crimes. For instance Equiano recalls that adulteryRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano1501 Words   |  7 PagesOlaudah Equiano lived anything less than an ordinary life and we see this through his narrative, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†. He first captures the reader with the entrancing tale of his childhood. A tale that was soon brought to end when he was kidnapped from his loving family and sold as a slave. Throughout the narrative, Equiano is searching for a family, like the one he lost. This is shown in â€Å"Filiation to Affiliation: Kinship and Sentiment in Equiano’s InterestingRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano877 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano,† it discussed the life and hardship of Equiano throughout his life. Equiano was from a small province of Africa called Eboe where they were well mannered and traditional. He grew up in a wealthy and established family with his mother, father, and siblings. During the course of Equiano’s life he had some good and challenging time, but through it all he endured it to the end. Throughout his life Equiano experienced what he feels like toRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano806 Words   |  4 PagesOlaudah Equiano, born in 1745, was a prominent member of the british movement for ending the slave trade and wrote an autobiography entitled, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†. Equiano s main purpose within writing this excerpt from chapter two of his autobiography was to convince his audience to support the anti-Slave Trade movement, this is evident in his tone switching by the paragraph, his switch of style from a narrative to rhetorical questioning, and his liberal useRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano1331 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscontentment. Everyone dreams of changing aspects of their life, its human nature to think â€Å"If I was just more attractive†, â€Å"If my child just wasn’t handicapped†, or in the case of Equiano â€Å" If I could just be free† then I would be happy. What stands out in the book The Inter esting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, is that Equiano does appreciates the changes, learns all that can, embraces a new culture, and is happy and fulfilled. Equiano argues the evils of slavery, and desperately wishes slaveryRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano and Amistad604 Words   |  3 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both, â€Å"The Interesting Narrative Life of Olaudah Equiano† and â€Å"Amistad† are important stories about slavery in pre-civil war america because they both address the issues of slavery. These gentlemen in the story made a difference in the slave trade. In â€Å"The life of Olaudah Equiano†, Olaudah was sold on a slave ship that came to the Barbados. Olaudah worked for his freedom, and in the end became efficient in American language. He worked his way to the free life and in the end it workedRead MoreSummary Of The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano 2910 Words   |  12 PagesChristian s urveyor! Anti-slavery writer! If you are looking for this in a short story consider â€Å"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano.† The title of this story along, gave me knowledge that this story is not like other stories because Olaudah Equiano is the author of the story and the word â€Å"interesting† stays with his narrative all of these years so there got to be something â€Å"interesting† about this work. Also examiming the title of this work, the reader can notice that prejudicesRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative1816 Words   |  8 PagesThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Religious Roles in the Narrative The narrative of Olaudah Equiano is truly a magnificent one. Not only does the reader get to see the world through Equianos own personal experiences, we get to read a major autobiography that combined the form of a slave narrative with that of a spiritual conversion autobiography. Religion may be viewed as at the heart of the matter in Equianos long, remarkable journey. Through Equianos own experiencesRead MoreThe Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano, By James Sweet And Katrina Thompson901 Words   |  4 Pagesthe book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano, in which the author recounts his experience as a slave going through the Middle Passage. Other works such as Ring Shout, Wheel About The Racial Politics of Music and Dance in North American Slavery, by Katrina Thompson, and Domingos à lvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World, by James Sweet, can help us garner a deeper insight as to the experiences of Olaudah Equiano by analyzing

Monday, May 18, 2020

Mental Illness Of The Mentally Ill - 2395 Words

INTRODUCTION Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill was, and continues to be, an ill-conceived concept. Mental illness is not theoretical, it is a very real and debilitating condition for the individual who suffers from such an illness. Mental illness is a disability which makes an individual unable to attend school, pursue a career, maintain a job or care for a family. Mental illness has ruined not only the lives of the people it has affected, but those who care for the victims of this disease. Mental illness is treatable with medication and the services of mental health workers, such as therapists. Mental illness affects not only adults but children. For example, thirty-one percent (31%) of homeless adults have a combination of mental illness. Approximately, one in five adults in the U.S. or 18.5% of the adult population experiences mental illness in a given year. Approximately one in 25 adults in the U.S. or 4.2% of the adult population experiences a serious mental i llness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities. Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 or 21.4% of youth experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13% of this age group. 1.1% of adults in the U.S. live with schizophrenia. 2.6% of adults in the U.S. live with bipolar disorder. 6.9% of adults in the U.S., had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. 18.1% ofShow MoreRelatedMental Illness And The Mentally Ill1913 Words   |  8 PagesStereotypes are made about groups of people in every class, country and race. The mentally ill are no exception to this fact. Mental illness has no bounds and can affect anyone, whether rich or poor, American or Canadian, black or white, it does not matter. People with a mental illness or disorder are looked at as dysfunctional, violent, unsuccessful, and even foul-smelling individuals. People with extr eme cases of mental illness, such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, are often called crazy, insaneRead MoreMental Illness Of The Mentally Ill On Deinstitutionalization1514 Words   |  7 PagesMental illness in America has become an increasingly popular topic of discussion. Rather than being placed in hospitals for treatment, mentally ill individuals are being placed into correctional facilities for their actions. Persons with serious mental illness (SMI) such as bi-polar disorder, severe depression, schizophrenia and etc. have trouble within society. Many lack income and stable living arrangements to be able to succeed in the community. Side effects of their illness can enable them toRead MoreShould Mental Illness Be Mentally Ill, Or Neuroatypical?1873 Words   |  8 Pageswas and continue to be socialized to be mentally ill, or neuroatypical. Being neuroatypical is a trait that is both ascribed and achieved. Some aspects of mental illness are chemical or environmentally tr iggered, so my OCD and mood disorder are both directly a part of my biology. Similarly, my anxiety it is thought to be genetic and my PTSD is obviously caused by trauma. These things seem concrete and ingrained enough in my being that I can call mental illness ascribed, but at the same time, thereRead MoreMental Illness and Health Care for the Mentally Ill Essay1216 Words   |  5 PagesCase Study Mental Illness has a broad spectrum in the definition of mental illness; any of various psychiatric conditions, usually characterized by impairment of an individual’s normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning, and caused by physiological or psychosocial factors. Also called mental disease, mental disorder. The broad definition also includes that a mental illness is dependent upon a society’s norm and whether corresponding behaviors go against these norms and whetherRead MoreThe Stigma Of The Mentally Ill1498 Words   |  6 Pageswho are classified as mentally ill. The mentally ill have become a stigma in our modern day society. When society hears the word mentally ill the unbidden thought of an unhinged man or woman walking down the street talking to themselves or yelling incoherently comes to mind. If they aren’t stereotyped as insane, then the mentally ill are generally seen as awkward, violent, incompetent, or weird. Even without the ne gative stereotypes, there are some who consider mentally ill people a burden on societyRead MoreThe Community Mental Health Centers Act Of 1963 Closed State Psychiatric Hospitals1191 Words   |  5 PagesMany years ago, mental illness was viewed as a demonic possession or a religious punishment. In the 18th century, the attitudes towards mental illness were negative and persistent. This negativity leads to the stigmatization and confinement of those who were mentally ill. The mentally ill were sent to mental hospitals that were unhealthy and dangerous. A push in the mid 1950s for deinstitutionalization began because of activists lobbying for change. Dorothea Dix was one of these activists that helpedRead MoreMental Illness Discrimination.1036 Words   |  5 PagesHow To: Avoid Mental Illness Discrimination Have you ever been surprised to find out a loved one is mentally ill? Mentally ill people are found almost anywhere in North America among many other countries. In some of Canad a s cities, you can see panhandlers who haven t bathed in a month or people who are having conversations with themselves or others who are extremely inappropriate. Although there has been progress in the diagnosis and treatment of the mentally ill, stereotypes, mistreatment andRead MoreThe Shutdown Of Public Mental Health1614 Words   |  7 Pageshave proven that the shutdown of various mental health facilities across the nation has caused a dramatic increase in the number of incarcerations for people who suffer from mental illness. In 2006, the Bureau of Justice Statistics calculated that there were approximately 705,600 mentally ill adults incarcerated in state prisons, 78,800 mentally ill adults incarcerated in federal prisons, and 479,900 mentally ill adults incarcerated in local jails (â€Å"Mentally Ill†). In response to the increase in theRead MoreMentally Ill Offenders Should Be Held Accountable For Their Actions1350 Words   |  6 Pagesnot mentally ill offenders s hould be held accountable for their actions. Mentally ill offenders have been filling up state prisons and jails at a rapid pace, but should they really be held in these environments? A mentally ill offender is a person who suffers from mental disorders such as schizophrenia which separates them from society. Mentally ill offenders who have illnesses such as schizophrenia should be held accountable for their crimes to an extent meaning, they should be sent to mental hospitalsRead MoreMental Illness And Its Effects On People s Mood, Thinking, And Behavior1660 Words   |  7 PagesMental illness, a medical condition, are disorders that can affect people’s mood, thinking, and behavior. Many people don’t pay much attention to these disorders, because they are not familiar with psychiatric illness. Not paying attention to detecting and treating mental illness is an issue, because it can increase the risk of violence more than treated mentally ill people. For example, the f ailure to treat the ill can have dire consequences because it can increase the risk of mass shootings. Being

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compliance and Governance - 631 Words

Compliance Improvement Shared governance is important to compliance in order to keep all staff accountable for compliance measures. Shared governance is an organizational model that gives all management and staff control over their actions and practices and extends the influence of administrative areas (Hess, 2004). Giving all managers a voice can help improve governance compliance and operations by promoting teamwork and accountability among staff throughout the entire organization. Structure is vital in shared governance where expertise and knowledge serve as guides to actions. It requires a commitment to the organizational mission and the profession of the organization. The practices must be structured within the rules of the employer and the laws that govern the industry. It also requires consistency in definitions, standardization, and the design of the governance with regular evaluations of performance levels. The right mix of resources needs to be available to each manager, such as decisions on hir ing practices and setting goals as well as the ability to negotiate conflicts as they arise. Having the right mix of resources gives managers the ability to ensure that the job gets done under the governance framework. Where managers are controllers over their own departments, they know more about the needs of the department in order to ensure the entire department operates inside the governance framework and strives toward the mission of the company. SharedShow MoreRelatedCareer Working With A Developed Focus On Governance, Risk Management, And Compliance ( Grc ) Essay852 Words   |  4 Pages Professional Summary Experienced professional with a developed focus on Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC). Successfully served in multiple roles of escalating responsibility and expertise during a 20+ year career working directly with Information Security Systems Technologies. For example; administration, support, engineering, architecture, analyst, and management teams. 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Contemporary Computing can be seen as an Assemblage

Question: Discuss contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage? Answer: Introduction This report is based on two top stories in IT. One is the selling out of a human like robot named pepper and the other is about the Bank of England hiring hackers in their system. Hacking is a modern technology that can be used in two ways: for good or to harm others. The recent events of hacking that are mentioned in these two stories can be avoided or minimized with ethical hacking. Few inquiries that digital innovation are changing the method in which we take part in the research process. In all actuality, it is ending up being clearer that investigation is progressively being mediated through automated development. Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage means that how modern and latest technologies can work perfectly with the latest technologies. The first story is on a robot that is created to be a friend or companion for the humans. The robot can understand the facial expressions of human. It is designed and programmed in such a manner that it acts like a human. Th e second story is about ethical hacking, though the concept is not that new but it has begun to take a toll on the society. New technologies are helping in making this concept better and advanced. A.N.T An approach to research and social theory originates in the study of science is known as actor network theory. In spite of the fact that it is known mainly for its dubious emphasis on the limit of nonhumans to act or take an interest in networks or systems or both, actor network theory is likewise connected with compelling studies of critical and conventional sociology. Actants: It denotes the non-humans and humans actors. Network: It is undetermined relation among the entities. A.N.T can be used for computing purpose because it is broad and adaptive. In A.N.T, the ideas and concepts can be expanded into precise directions. All the ideas can be collectively used in systems. It helps is assembling all the ideas as a whole. The utilization of ANT has turned out to be valuable keeping in mind the end goal to catch the on-screen characters which are included in the advancement of latest innovation for various reasons. The primary thing is to concentrate on the on-screen character systems as the essential building square for the improvement of the latest innovation. Story 1 An emotional robot named Pepper sold one minute after 1000 units were bought: A robot named pepper made by the company Softbank Robotics was sold out 1 minute just after it was put to sale (Japanese information site for all people who love Japan, 2015). One thousand pieces of this robot was built to display and respond emotions. Each unit cost about 1610 dollars and a monthly fee of 200 dollars has to be paid (Mail Online, 2015). Actants in the story: Robot named Pepper (HUMAN ACTANT): company Softbank Robotics; Customers, Software engineer (HARDWARE ACTANTS) Hardware used for building the robot: 4 microphones, 2 high definition cameras, 3 dimensional sensor, gyroscope in the chest, touch sensors, 2 sonar, 6 lasers, 3 bumper sensors. SOFTWARE ACTANTS: Algorithms, Standards, Computer language used STRUCTURAL ACTANTS: NOT APPLICABLE IN THE STORY CULTURAL ACTANTS: Human like; Presence of various human like emotions How the actants are acting with each other: The robot has a humanoid face and a display on its chest, the robot is mainly designed to empathize and communicate using touch and voice. The software engineers designed the robot named Pepper, with human like capabilities. It is designed using artificial intelligence for bringing out various emotions. ANT can be used in this story to analyze the story according to the behavior of the actants in the story. Pepper is capable to examine facial expressions, words and body language via its sensors; it adapts its mannerisms and behavior to suit the person (Japanese information site for all people who love Japan, 2015). Pepper is a robot designed to detect emotions and respond to it, it is designed to co-exist with humans. The robot can understand various emotions and can analyze the expression of the humans. It is able for self-improvement and adaptation (Mail Online, 2015). It is mainly designed to serve as a companion. It has many sensors att ached to it so that it can detect the emotions and runs with the help of a battery. The robot has a three dimensional camera attached so that it can comply with its surroundings and move safely by avoiding the obstacles on its path. It is build with various speakers and has a screen attached to its chest. The robot was sold out as soon as was put to sale. The users were thrilled to see the functionalities of the robot. How can the robot be used in the business? It is build by Softbank Mobile and Aldebaran robotics. It was designed to act as a companion for the humans. It has the capability to read and identify the emotions of humans. It is an interactive robot and has the ability to talk to the humans. It rather has a very funny voice. It cannot perform any domestic work; instead, it can be used to improve the life of people. It is used to connect with various peoples and have fun with them. Peppers loves to converse with people, it is exceptionally inquisitive about humans (Mail Online, 2015). As one keep on associating with the robot, Pepper will remember and learn latest things about the persons taste. Equipped for both adjustment and self-change, it will soon have the capacity to hunt down new applications. The primary objective of the robot is to develop and learn orderly so that it can be a friend at home. Story 2 Bank of England employs hackers (HUMAN ACTANT) Actants in the story: Ethical hacker; Bank of England; customers (SOFTWARE ACTANT) Software used to perform hacking: There are many computer languages that can be used by the hackers or programmers for hacking. Computer languages like C#, java, C, C++ and many more can be used to hack into various systems. (HARDWARE ACTANT) Hardware used perform hacking: Computer or PC; Network; Internet Connection DIGITAL ACTANT: Protocols for performing hacking, various hacking algorithms STRUCTURAL ACTANT: Privacy law CULTURAL ACTANT: Hacking How the actants are working with each other: It is a well-known mystery in the IT industry that huge companies and organizations regularly utilize the service of hackers. An ethical hacker is someone whose occupation is to nudge and jab at frameworks to verify the corporation is as secure and ensured as could be expected under the various circumstances (, 2015). Still, the majority of the companies and organizations that contract programmers do not turn out transparently to talk about on this matter. The Bank of England reported that they were going to contract ethical hackers to assist test the safety of the organizations . Many banks were cynical of this choice however; the CEO of web security firm Bloxx said it was an exceptional choice. Hacker: The phrase hacker has fallen into disrespect, drawing closer to demonstrate that in the popular medium the culprits of a mixture of types of PC law violations (Farsole, Kashikar and Zunzunwala, 2010). In any case, numerous persons who are known as programmers, have pretentiously borne that mark from 1950's, are not criminal. A large number of them are entrepreneurial and scholarly pioneers of their eras. The expression hacking is obvious as a prohibited utilization of the system assets or the PC framework that does not fit in with them (Amorosi, 2010). The remark hacker was earlier used to portray a developer who is great at his or her employment. Ethical hacking: Ethical programmer and Ethical hacking are expressions used to depict hacking done by an individual or organization to help recognize potential dangers on a network or PC (Bodhani, 2012). Ethical hacker endeavors to sidestep framework security and quest for any feeble points that could be subjugated by malevolent hackers (Beaver, 2010). The company to improve the quality of its security can later use the information gathered from this kind of activities. The hacker uses various computer languages for encrypting and decoding of the codes. They use a computer for the basic work hat is needed to be done. They hack in to the network following all the privacy laws made by the government. Can it enhance a business ? Ethical hacking and Ethical programmer are terms used to depict hacking performed by an organization or individual to help recognize potential dangers on a PC or system. Ethical hacker endeavors to sidestep framework security and quest for any powerless focuses that could be abused by malevolent hackers (Mcfedries, 2010). MasterCard passwords and particulars can be stolen making financial harm to persons and again the PC systems can be hacked conveying on the machine to stop working which will make individuals to stop using electronic sparing cash. Subsequently, it can be said that utilizing good developers was not a terrible thought for the bank of England. The methodology of using some individual to hack ones association is good hacking (Mcfedries, 2010). Good hacking is one of the instruments that are used to judge the security ventures of the affiliations. It is in like manner suggested as entering testing, red teaming, intrusion testing, lack of prote ction and even security judgments . Everybody these has unmistakable ramifications in various countries. Hacking is moreover portrayed as new progression of the present activities, programming and code. It enhances them and more beneficial. Good means a hypothesis with moral quality. Developers hack structures to perceive hazardous, unapproved get to and misuse. These hackers utilize a mixed bag of strategies to soften the security structure up the relationship in the season of computerized attack. Ethical hacking can be beneficial for the bank because it has the capability of making the network better and thus can help to regain the trust of the clients or customers. The hackers should follow the following rules: Goals should be set: The hacker should be able to recognize the loopholes in the system that are at a risk of getting hacked. Planning the process of testing: Planning is vital and distribution it by means of the anxious personnel advisable. Consent of the testing procedure by all the stakeholders who are involved is necessary. Permission: To avoid any legal notice in the future, one should et permission prior to the procedure is done. The permission acquired should be in written. Ethical and professional work: All the plans and goals that were set at the beginning of the procedure should be followed at any cost. Confidentially should be maintained always given that any circumstances may appear. Records should be maintained: The hacker should always keep Formal records. Privacy should not be violated: Even if all the data and information can be acquired by the hacker, yet it should be not be used for exposing them (if the person is not bound by investigation). Rights should be maintained: The hackers should respect others right and should not pryin the lives of others. Scientific process should be used: To start with lay down a target that is scientific. The test must be reliable to the findings. One tool should be used throughout the process: There are various tools present for hacking. Therefore, one might be overwhelmed to use many at a time. This scenario of using various tools for one purpose should be avoided. Provide well-timed updates: All the work done should be completed in the stipulated time frame. Conclusion This report is conducted on two stories of computing or IT. Two stories that are identified with IT are clarified in this report. One is about the selling out of 1000 units of robot pepper in few minutes after put on sale and the other is about the programmers being utilized in the bank of England. Hacking has turn into a grave issue in nowadays. The vast majority of the associations and even people are aggravated because of this occasion. This is the motivation behind why bank of England utilized moral programmers for their association as it can help them to secure their association. The humans can use the robot as a companion as it can read and understand all the emotions on the face of humans. This robot is used for interactive purpose and can learn many new things from its surroundings. References Amorosi, D. (2010). In defense of hackers.Infosecurity, 7(5), p.38. Beaver, K. (2010).Hacking for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub. Bodhani, A. (2012). Bad... in a good way [ethical hacking].Engineering Technology, 7(12), pp.64-68. Engebretson, P. (2010).The basics of hacking and penetration testing. Waltham, MA: Elsevier. Farsole, A., Kashikar, A. and Zunzunwala, A. (2010). Ethical Hacking.International Journal of Computer Applications, 1(10), pp.14-20. FBI thwarts ATM hacking attempt. (2010).Computer Fraud Security, 2010(4), pp.3-20. Goldstein, H. (2010). Hacking for humanity.IEEE Spectr., 47(2), pp.33-34. Hacking popular among students. (2010).Network Security, 2010(9), p.20. Mail Online, (2015).Pepper the $1,600 'emotional' robot sells out in ONE MINUTE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jul. 2015]. Mcfedries, P. (2010). Hacking the planet [technically speaking.IEEE Spectr., 47(8), pp.23-23. Philipp, A., Cowen, D. and Davis, C. (2010).Hacking exposed computer forensics. New York: McGraw-Hill/Osborne. Wilhelm, T. (2010).Professional penetration testing. Rockland, Mass.: Syngress. Japanese information site for all people who love Japan, (2015).Japanese Robot Pepper with heart. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jul. 2015]., (2015).Bank of England seeks 'HACKERS' to defend vaults against e-thieves. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jul. 2015].

My Learning Experiences free essay sample

During our training at Balik-Manggagawa, I learned a lot of things such as interacting with other people. We know that people have different characteristics and attitudes, however, making friends with them is not that difficult. I learned to build on my competence, professionalism in dealing with people, discipline and ability to communicate with people. I gained self-confidence and maturity which are needed in the work and acquired the ability to work harmoniously with employers, workers and other trainees. I also have taken and developed values to become productive individuals like commitment, interpersonal relationship, teamwork, professional behavior, enthusiasm, politeness and punctuality. At first, I thought that it is not easy to take OJT because aside from the adjustments, there are lots of tasks and activities to be assigned and performed. But with enthusiasm â€Å"Though you’re tired, there’s no need to stop work, only when you’re done† to become productive. We will write a custom essay sample on My Learning Experiences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To be productive, we need to be punctual. There should be no space for tardiness as the saying goes: â€Å"Time is gold†. We don’t need to waste our time and we should have proper time for each specific action. Honestly, I go to BM on or before 8:00 in the morning even if my scheduled time is 9 o’clock A. M. to practice this important value. Another important value that must not be forgotten is politeness. We should respect the employees and co-trainees all the time. Always greet the clients, employees and co-trainees or smile at them at all times.